Nolan N90
Hi guys/gals
Well its getting towards that time again for a helment change, at only 24 im still searching for the right helmet for my brains and have had 2 cheapesh AGV, Arai Condor, and now have a Shoei Raid 11, ive also got an off road lid from wolf (i think it is ) and find it fine for the lower speed stuff for off roading etc but cant deal with any form of road riding above 50mph as the peak just tries to rip my head off (i use to play rugby and this feeling is worse) so im not looking for an MX or cross between MX and road lid.
Im looking roughly at around �200 or so, and am toying with the idea of an open face lid ie can gives me the option of wind in the face, with possibly a interal sun visor (if it has one). I looked into Hein Gericke the other day as i got off work early and found the Nolan N90, which has a flip front and internal sun visor (RRP and HG price �220, ebay/others ~�170)
Tried it on and thought it wasnt too bad, very comfy fit and comfy even when locked (normally really squeeze my jaw when closed).
Anyone have one? Worn one? Tested one? or have any other suggestions?
 Plough on