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XT660Z Exhausts Available exhusts for the new Tenere

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Old 20-03-12, 21:17
Westland11 Westland11 is offline
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Length of tenere end cans?

Evening all,

Can anyone tell me the length of the cans on an xt660z tenere?

I've just sold my X and I'm going to order my ten tmrw :-)
Question is, I have a brand new set of akrapovic cans which I bought for the X but haven't fitted them yet. Obviously the link pipes are no use but could I utilise the cans? I can have a set of link pipes made up piece of p*$$ but pointless if the cans are hugely different in length.

Does anyone know if this has been done before or if not would someone be able to measure their own cans and post the dims on here, pretty please :-)

Thanks in advance,
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Old 20-03-12, 22:39
JMo JMo is offline
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The Tenere doesn't have 'cans' as such, it has one box (with two outlets), that is shaped to look like twin pipes...

The silencer section is quite short in comparison - and essentially just sits under the tail piece - I'd say it/they are only about 12 inches long... so trying to mount a pair of regular cans up there is going to look odd I imagine...

That said, there are a number of aftermarket single cans that have been fitted in various different positions - I'm sure you could come up with something that looks pretty funky if you are prepared to get some new link-pipes made... but to be honest, I'd probably sell the twin cans, and go for a single [left hand] side exhaust - neater, lighter, and the space on the right hand side can be used for either a tool-tube, or (I have it on good authority) the 'soon to be released' Rally Raid Products auxiliary fuel tank... oh yes...

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Old 20-03-12, 23:22
Westland11 Westland11 is offline
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Many thanks for the reply, I am aware that the standard 'cans' are as you say a single silencer box with dual tips, however on looking at the various aftermarket options they all appear to be twin individual cans including, I thought, the akrapovic, the akras for the ten I know have an additional outer shield which appears to be riveted on and which my X cans do not. Looking at the scorpion cans they appear to be much shorter than normal, scaling from various google images would suggest approx 12" as you suggest however the arrows, gpr et al all appear to look like 'normal' length cans.

I like the weight saving offered from the single can combined with the better flow charectaristicts however I'm not keen on the 'look'. I have considered a single can with a dummy secondary can to retain the looks though. Granted, luggaged up, the 'look' is pretty much negated anyway as they are well hidden. I'm only really looking into this as I have a set lying around and if the weight difference between the standard cans on the X and these akras is anything to go by then it's definitely worth doing on the ten. Not interested in increased noise or negligible power gains, ive got my gsxr for that.

Can anyone else shed any light...
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Old 21-03-12, 00:06
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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The Akrapovic cans for the XTZ are 49cm long if that's any use to you?
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Old 21-03-12, 08:26
Gas_Up_Lets_Go Gas_Up_Lets_Go is offline
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Aesthetics aside for a moment,

a spanking new MTC, made to fit without any messing about, less than �200....

I reckon you'd get more than that for the Akras's on FleaBay.

Personally, I'd sell the Akra's, buy a MTC and use the spare cash for some fuel and get away for a few days!

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Old 21-03-12, 11:56
RickM RickM is offline
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The single MTC is a great value can with a useful amount of volume! And as JMo (and others have said/done in the past) you could balance the look with a tool tube on the opposite side.

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