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General Help Section Members help each other here with tips and tricks about mods / maintenance and servicing based on their own experiences

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  # 1  
Old 20-04-10, 21:26
Gerhard Beukes Gerhard Beukes is offline
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water in radiator and reservoir

NEVER believe your reservoir bottle.
This past weekend i picked up small water leak at bottom of my water pump. riding on and pushing further with a watchfull eye on the reservoir bottle i had to carry on till i get to place to fill bottle.
The bike started to overheat andf light came on just as i got to garage to top it up.
Topped up the reservoir and carried on, but overheat light came on about 5km after garage. Luckily a friend of mine advised that his KTM did the same and water was not stored in reservoir to "top up" reservoir, but reservoir is there to catch overflow of water. To make long story short, i opened radiator cap and it was bone dry. Added water, waited for bubbled to come out, started bike and ran for short while, filled it up to the top and off i go....all sorted.

My issue here is why would i need to check my water level daily before every ride if the reservoir is not true and acurate?...i must check my radiator , not the reservoir....
  # 2  
Old 20-04-10, 21:53
maxwell123455 maxwell123455 is offline
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Yea i second this, i got a leek in my hose from the radiator/pump and took it easy to get home. End up filling the radiator with around 250mm of water but the level in the bottle never changed.
Plough on
  # 3  
Old 21-04-10, 02:30
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While the radiator is pressurized the over flow bottle will not fill the radiator.

The only time it can full the radiator is when the cooling system has cooled down completely & is causing a vacuum on the system, this will draw the coolant back into the radiator from the over flow bottle. If there is a leak in the cooling system the vacuum effect will not take place & the over flow bottle will remain full with the cooling system empty.
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Mods that I have done to my XTX's

My 04 XTX
Stage 1 & 2 DNA filters / Kev fuel mod / snorkel mod / Drilled air box mod / Engine breather mod / Fork Spacer mod / 15w fork oil /
My 07 XTX
Raptor 700 cylinder 102mm / Modified Crank Case to take a 105mm Raptor Cylinder / 11:1 102mm JE Raptor piston / Stage 1 Raptor Hot Cam / Ported head / Colder Spark Plug / +2mm Throttle body / DNA stage 1 & 2 filters / Modified Air Box / Snorkel removed / Worry Brothers stage 2 filter cover / 6mm & 8mm Bolts Replaced with Titanium Bolts / Recovered seat in Black / O2 Eliminator /

My 09 XTX
59HP at the rear wheel / Stage 2 Raptor Hot Cam / DNA stage 3 Air Box / Carbon Can Exhausts / Modified Exhaust Link Pipes / PCIII With Custom Fuel Map / Wideband Commander O2 Data logger / LCD100 Dyno Jet display & fuel adjuster / 2500 OHM HT lead instead of a 10K OHM XT lead / Extra Coolant Cooler / Protaper Fat Bars / Tail Tidy With LED Tail Light / OKE Protection Knobs / LED indicators / AIS blocked / Modified rear sprocket rubbers / Rear Foot Pegs removed / 09 ECU With 02 Sensor Changed To A 06 ECU / Complete wiring harnes Changed from 09 to 04 / Home made LED resistor flasher / Hole drilled in the fuel tank filler neck to allow quicker filling / Modified Bar End Weights / Progressive front fork springs, 15W fork oil, forks lowered 25mm, used XTR rear links lowering the rear 20mm, rear spring one click stiffer / Changed front & rear guards from blue to black / 47T rear sprocket / Speedo Healer V4.0 / Kev throttle cam mod / Throttle grip mod / The new 2010 O2 sensor mod is out, works a treat, The new 2012 O2 Controller is out, PM me for details

Now ride a 2018 MT09SP ABS + TCS

My KTM 990 SMR Mod book. http://www.ktmsmt.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4946

  # 4  
Old 22-04-10, 13:18
Gerhard Beukes Gerhard Beukes is offline
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Good explanation and i understand, but in the real life this is not practical.So what you are saying is that when your bike overheats, you need to wait for it to cool down for hours untill it will "suck" water into the radiator.
Out in the field or on a long trip this might be difficult. From now on, i will be checking my radiator instead on relyijng on the bottle indication....something for Yamaha to think about changing in future.
  # 5  
Old 22-04-10, 13:42
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Originally Posted by Gerhard Beukes View Post
Good explanation and i understand, but in the real life this is not practical.So what you are saying is that when your bike overheats, you need to wait for it to cool down for hours untill it will "suck" water into the radiator.
Out in the field or on a long trip this might be difficult. From now on, i will be checking my radiator instead on relyijng on the bottle indication....something for Yamaha to think about changing in future.
This design has been around for a long time & is in use on many vehicles, cars, bikes ETC. It works well until you have a big leak.
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Mods that I have done to my XTX's

My 04 XTX
Stage 1 & 2 DNA filters / Kev fuel mod / snorkel mod / Drilled air box mod / Engine breather mod / Fork Spacer mod / 15w fork oil /
My 07 XTX
Raptor 700 cylinder 102mm / Modified Crank Case to take a 105mm Raptor Cylinder / 11:1 102mm JE Raptor piston / Stage 1 Raptor Hot Cam / Ported head / Colder Spark Plug / +2mm Throttle body / DNA stage 1 & 2 filters / Modified Air Box / Snorkel removed / Worry Brothers stage 2 filter cover / 6mm & 8mm Bolts Replaced with Titanium Bolts / Recovered seat in Black / O2 Eliminator /

My 09 XTX
59HP at the rear wheel / Stage 2 Raptor Hot Cam / DNA stage 3 Air Box / Carbon Can Exhausts / Modified Exhaust Link Pipes / PCIII With Custom Fuel Map / Wideband Commander O2 Data logger / LCD100 Dyno Jet display & fuel adjuster / 2500 OHM HT lead instead of a 10K OHM XT lead / Extra Coolant Cooler / Protaper Fat Bars / Tail Tidy With LED Tail Light / OKE Protection Knobs / LED indicators / AIS blocked / Modified rear sprocket rubbers / Rear Foot Pegs removed / 09 ECU With 02 Sensor Changed To A 06 ECU / Complete wiring harnes Changed from 09 to 04 / Home made LED resistor flasher / Hole drilled in the fuel tank filler neck to allow quicker filling / Modified Bar End Weights / Progressive front fork springs, 15W fork oil, forks lowered 25mm, used XTR rear links lowering the rear 20mm, rear spring one click stiffer / Changed front & rear guards from blue to black / 47T rear sprocket / Speedo Healer V4.0 / Kev throttle cam mod / Throttle grip mod / The new 2010 O2 sensor mod is out, works a treat, The new 2012 O2 Controller is out, PM me for details

Now ride a 2018 MT09SP ABS + TCS

My KTM 990 SMR Mod book. http://www.ktmsmt.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4946

  # 6  
Old 22-04-10, 13:48
Gerhard Beukes Gerhard Beukes is offline
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Untill we leak again then....

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