Thread: MTC Exhausts
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Old 03-06-09, 11:16
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SelinaXT you are very new here, so bless you, you don't know me and the way I do things, I wouldn't sponsor a company if I didn't have 100% confidence.

Problems are always popping up with every manufacturer, we have had people here that have bought the most expensive Akrapovic (�800+) exhausts 3 sets of these which have had cracked joints within few weeks.

However with :CCC: if ever there is an issue I am on the phone to the owner "pronto" to make sure he puts matter straight a.s.a.p. or else (and else means the end of our sponsorship, which would be a loss to him and not me)

So you can buy with confidence and join the 100's of other members in this forum who are happily sporting these cans.