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Old 24-12-06, 15:18
Buck Buck is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 131
Buck is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Denny
Having just got my rear LED light from OTR, I have been checking Bucks thread...

...on how to do the conversion & I have a question. After cutting the original light unit off, did you stick the led light on with silicone, or did you shorten the thread and attach it to the metal plate with bolts? The threads on the led are quite long.

I also want to keep the indicator/number plate holder in place, will I be able to do so after cutting?

Sorry for the delay as i dont have access to a computer much,once you remove the rear light you can attach the led light using the bolts that hold the rest of the undertray on ,just loosen the bolts then feed the threads of the led light under the bolts and tighten down,you can use the original indicator set up by making a bracket to hold them on,if you checkout my blog page you can get an idea how i done mine.