Well Capt, a jist read yer post there a couple up fae this one...an ave got tae say....LOL major...wi ye havin a joke there....now if any bike wid feel top heavy....it wid be a topboxtank....a could see the point o maybe carryin a couple o weeally bottles o gas in there but C`mon....

makin it into a tank...an had you raised much higher than that in ma techy head...ad expect tae hear that fae an MZ enthusiast......not the king o the xt`s....yeve still a chance as you bein the head kiddy...tae wipe that post before anyone else sees yer post.........tell me a dont mind....wir ye kiddin. ....a hope so....

ye could use this tube o glue tae fix someone on their seat so they dont slide around......under brakin or acceleration....as yer full o great idea`s....LOL.....a widnt like tae go on a mystery tour wi you....yer needin a good
slappin wi a barby fork......
we are not worthy o Capy tae be your servants.......LOL .....mabozzar