Thread: My rear change
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Old 14-01-09, 16:13
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Tubless trick

I had a trick for tubless tires cars and bikes.

Bounce the tire and wheel on the grass for a bit to center the tire then put a bit of strong rope round the circumference of the tire loosly. Put a big spanner between the rope and tire then turn like a touniquet. It tightens down on the center tread and pushes the wall out enough to get a seal. Your compressor will then cope.

Hope that helps mate.

I did a rolling balance before fitting the tube. It seemed OK. It's never going to go fast anyway. The liquid didn't let me do a balance after I fitted the tube. One of the down sides of the fluid.

When I was a kid I got a rucking for getting dirty. When I met my misses she liked me to get dirty. Now I'm old I get a rucking for getting dirty. Can't win!