Many thanks guys for helping me begin my search, and thanks to motonacio for the big welcome.
But not sure whether to thank CaptMoto as now I've been to the Metal Mule site, a tail bag is the least of my worries - now figuring out how I can pay for a raditor guard, hi-level exhaust, bash plate etc etc
.......... Nah, thanks Guv.
p.s. I'm still a XT660X wanabee ..........
waiting until Jan 2009 in hope the 0% deal comes back (noticed it was on at the beginning of 2008).
By the way ... what are the standard Pirelli Dragons Like ?
I was thinking of negotiating a deal to have a front - Avon Azaro Pro-Xtreme Rain and rear - Avon Distanzia fitted for North East Winter commuting.