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Old 19-09-08, 12:14
colros colros is offline
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Originally Posted by motonacio View Post
Have you adjusted your CO fuelling to match the increase in air?

Check the modifications index if not - or run the risk of a lean burn.
I checked the CO setting and upped it by 10, did the commute this morning and found it excellent. It is still jurky on roll off roll on, and surges/hunts a lot less but still sometimes.

I read on some of the other post that I can push the CO setting higher so will raise it by another 5 before I go home and see what difference that makes

Found it quieter this morning, not sure if it was the bike, the wind or I had the ear plugs in better???

It was a lot better filtering and seemed to have more and smoother pull but that may just be me riding it differently. No overhang on the right with the top box on plate instead of pannier.

Also found it easier to hold 30 and 40 in the limits, although it still creeps up in the 30's.

Not sure how high I should go with the CO setting before I need to get the Kev mod instead/as well.

Check the TPS it was 15 not sure what changiong this would do as it is in the "acceptable" range????

Need more input from the more knowledgable
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