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Old 31-08-08, 20:06
JMo JMo is offline
"This lady is not for turning" - Paris - Dakar Veteran
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Found it!

Originally Posted by OD69 View Post
Anyone know which connection to use (the one under the seat)?
I had a lookaround but couldn't find a obvious spot.
Just spent all afternoon rewiring mine, and I have the answer...

When you lift the seat there are various electrical gubbins (technical term x) held to the rear inner mudguard with rubber loops.

If you remove the two square shaped ones, you can see underneath the ECU/CDI unit (the rectangular one with loads of wires) there are a couple of connectors on the loom.

One is a white twin pin plug with a cap/opposite connector over it, however, this is a permanent live (ie not switched with the ignition).

The one you want is the opaque coloured plastic four pin connector (that doesn't have a cover/cap on it.

One of these terminals is live when you switch the ignition on (if you hold the plug with the plastic spring clip to your right, it is the bottom right hand pin. I used the one above it (ie. top right hand pin when the spring clip is to your right) as the earth.

It's a bit of a wiggle feeding the GPS cable through under the tank, but doable with patience.

All works fine now - power is there with ignition on, and off with ignition off.


ps. I'll try and post a picture or two later this evening.
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