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Old 31-08-08, 12:01
scottnet scottnet is offline
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GPS Power supply

From another thread on this forum a power socket for a GPS was located on the wiring look behind the speedo. I asked Yamamha if they had the connector for this and they said this was the power supply for the ECU diagnostics and should not be used. To quote the Yamaha mechanic.

"Plugging into the spare lead at the speedo is definitely NOT a good idea. The power supply for the speedo is shared with the ECU - there is some sort of power link between the two, and therefore if you overload the circuit it may cause the ECU to shut down. They use this circuit for diagnostics for this very purpose!Beneath the seat should be a point for an alarm which is powered off the ignition switch and is the better way to go."

Any comments

Last edited by scottnet; 31-08-08 at 13:31.