Thread: O2 Eliminator
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Old 02-06-08, 11:44
Freez Freez is offline
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Ok, one thing sorted out.

So you have to run with the O2 sensor plugged in.

Now the next question.

Kev, you built the O2 sensor eliminators. Did you use pure resistors in it or does it contain other electronics also?

I am not sure what output the XT O2 sensor provides, but if the ECU is needing a voltage, then I can understand why the resistors are not working. If we need a voltage instead of resisitance then it should be a simple matter to sort out.

All we need to do is figure out what voltage that O2 sensor sends out at an A/F ratio of 13:1.

Once we know the voltage, all we do is build a little voltage regulator and we send a constant voltage back to the ECU, tricking it into thinking the O2 sensor is working correctly.

It will be cheap to build and since we have voltage going to the sensor anyway, we can use that to power the voltage regulator.

I found this info on another O2 sensor.

If the output of the Xt's sensor is simmelar, all we need to do is build a regulator with a constant 2.2V output and the job is done.

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