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Old 10-02-08, 19:39
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Originally Posted by maxwell123455 View Post
there is plenty of room for the levers, and acerbis do them under a different name and they only cost about �30, what name that is a cant remember.

What type are you looking for ones that have a metal bar running around the back of the plastic hand guard, or just a plastic hand guard that deflects wind?
Well I'm looking for ones with a metal bar inside, cos I reckon that they'll protect the levers better? Hence, they're more expensive than regular plastic hand guards...

After reading the replies, I think I'm gonna order me the original Yamaha hand guards This way I'm sure that they will fit right.

At first, I thought about buying those Polisport hand guards, but they don't have a metal bar inside, so I guess they might brake in a crash (which I don't want to happen )

Thanks for the replies to all!