Right i will keep this brief as my computer just deleted my post for this 2 secs ago. Beggar.
I have the
Metzler Tourance on at the moment and had the bike for 2.5 weeks and around 900miles and find them great. The front is half worn and is still gripping, only had one slide on it but was due to massive diesal spill mid corner (any tyres would have slide). The rear is only about 1000miles scrubbed in and is still gripping fine. I have tryed to get the chicken wings off just cant/dont wanna lean the bike over any more or either my toes will get grinded off, my leg will not lift high enough or i might fall off. Only had one slide on the rear so far but i was pushing it hard to see what the bike had.
Would i buy them again. Yea but i might try something more road basis next time as at the moment i dont plan on doing much off roading.
 Plough on