Originally Posted by
I'm wondering why Accerbis hasn't came up with a larger tank. I used to have one on my old XT600, so when I filled up it last 450 Km. And tank cost it was half of the one shown @ O-T-R.
Well according to Thorsten at OTR, the Acerbis tanks were/are plastic. The ones you get from OTR are carbon moulded and aledgedly unbreakable. That, according to Thorsten, is the major reason for the price difference. I also got a salespitch that there were some technical difficulties that needed to be overcome in the design for the 660R that was not needed for previous XT's (think it was something with the fuelpump, ???). This also increased the cost. Don't ask me what the difficulties were exactly. I stopped listening when he had told me they'd been overcome

Still waiting on the tanks I ordered from OTR. I'll be sure to review them thoroughly here on the boards when I get them installed.
By the way, when I did simillar research on the subject I found these guys in USA :
http://www.tourtank.com/ . Not sure what a contraption like that will do to your insurance. But hats off to them for at least providing an alternative. In the end I decided that this was just a shiny and unnecessarily expensive, jerry-can solution.