Good point. Well my seat cover is another story. I had it changed not long after I bought the bike (a year ago). I never liked the two colour jobby so I called a chap call Lee (contact given to me by Fran) (Lees number is 07977 874075) he came over and re-skinned it on the spot for �50. I chose the matt black vinyl which looks the doggies. He did it so quick it was mad and WOW!! what a great job and all in one piece as well, no nasty seams to come apart etc. He also did me a matching matt black bar pad cover for �15. I've just spoken to him and he's happy for me to post his number here. So give him a call if you fancy a new seat cover you can even have your own design done. However the price will go up for this so you better get a quote first.
Last edited by badga; 26-07-07 at 14:04.