Well said John, this all fits perfectly within the understanding of yours, and other people's personal choices and preconceptions of what bikers are all about. However not wishing to re-run this as an argument, I just want to point out 2 simple yet damaging misunderstandings in your piece up there, one being this post aimed personally at you, and the other about me hating talk of other bike makes in this forum. (I think I have already explained this to another member in a different thread) There is place in this forum for talk of other bikes for sure without any opposition from the board, but it has to be appreciated that this place has to be within a confined "off topic" subject, hence an obvious consideration has been given to have this faciltiy in the imminnent future.
The beauty of this forum is that it has a precise place of it's own within a particular group of people, and knowing that not everyone has access to a lot of money to be able to afford or to keep more than one bike, or even to change them often, the core of this thread was to restore confidence in those members who are doubftul about what other bike make could give them similar satisfaction and efficiency within the budget of the average XT owner.
And that, if at all, there is such a thing as an
XT Spirit or
XT Class of bikes, that this will be difficult to replace or match with something from another brand which is capable of holding heads, on as many grounds as our bikes do, call it an affordable do-it-all or anything you might want.
Now, within this intended place in the world of bikers which we call XT660.com, I can safely say that 90% of us here, are, after all, not just weekend bikers or part time racers that need a racing toy for the track and another for commuting. We are a group of, I would say, mature people with a day job and a motorcycle passion that have made a particular choice and are happy to discuss ways to improve and maintain our bikes in the best way we can.
Last but not least, John, please note in my estimation I higlhy consider you as a great guy and great mate, not just because you have been a star with your software knowledge, but also an invaluable help to others here, why would I directly make a dig at you when talking about people choice of bike changes?
I have always stated that, that door there or in this case the on/off button of everyone's pc, is free for all to use with no commitment, and it is no bother to me who comes, stay or goes as long as they they treat the "house" and it's guests with respect without trying to bring the atmosephere into disrepute, slander or other.
You have never done any such thing, which means I have all the time in the world for you and will still have forever, wishing you to stay around as a friend and a fellow biker for as long as you wish to stay.
There have not been any intended exclusions in place for people who are still members of this forum and have sold their xt for another bike, the choice is left to them to keep posting or not, so it is not correct to state that the very fact that they changed bikes that they are made to feel as outsiders, and have decided not to post anymore, if they do its on their own choice, no one is either forcing them out or making them feel estranged.
What about Tony (Skeeter) for example, has he been treated any differently? Tanya (Biker Biker) never had an XT in the first place, nevertheless she is more than welcome all the same and as popular as anyone else here, and that's not just because she is a lady or any other obscure reasons, she is a mate we have met and enjoyed her company and that is what matters. I have other mates in this forum who are not at all interested in the XT and ride gixxers and R1's they only keep an eye on the events and ride section to see if a ride we organize is appealing to them and match with their time off.
Bob (Grumpy Old Man) was the first to sell his XT and get a KTM, do you think anyone has ever told him to keep away from here or given him the cold shoulder? No way.
I don't like being misunderstood so I have to clarify every points where my intentions are doubted.
I have decided that the "Never Knowingly Understood" words are going to be etched on my tombstone because more often than not people always end up understanding a different meanings to what my real intentions are or one that it is more suitable for them to read in my statements contrary to my genuine motives.
Last edited by CaptMoto; 28-05-07 at 14:05.