Good Man.....dont get me wrong... you guys wi the Mk1, if its fixed or nearly fixed....GREAT.... as the MK1 is still a GREAT first 06 R mod in Decemeber...was a good bike wi very little surgin as a had ma heid around it, an tae save a lot o hassel an time an money... a really wish ad have kept it,,,,but ...if ye snooze ye lozze....jist wit a done... so a widnt say right guys find another 2k an ye`ll be sorted...naw if your Xt rocks yer boat....GREAT....when in the first place...Bikin to me is supposed to be a way of life an the sybol o Freedom.... an ye dont get Freedom wi a whole load o debt tied around yer neck......if it goes...looks half decent, an yer happy...who are we tae say different....m apals a Bike always been since leavin school an he`s 50 now....he has around 40 Bikes lyin in an around his premises......anif he doesnt kno wwhits wrong wi it an cant fix it ...its not worth ye`d think he wid have a absolutley cracker o a bike tae run here there an everywhere.... no wit...he runs a Honda xl500R ma old bike infact an has owned it fur 5 years an wont look past it....its 24 years old... he does things the same as me...even better. an could litterly Wheelie fur Scotland, an put us on the map yet again....but he`s runnin a 500 quid bike an loves it tae witever Rocks yer socks.....Go fur it......Tich