High Frequency Vibration
Sounds like what I had on my z, but check with Kev before you start stripping, as I�d hate be responsible for sending you on a wild goose chase!
I have attached the photo of the back crankshaft washer (RHS of bike) that is located behind the crankshaft gear cluster.
When this rubs on the face of the crank bearing inner race (if stopped due to shaft turning within bearing race) it turns your machine into an ultrasonic transducer!
It was so bad with mine that I thought I was going to get vibration white finger (VWF). Caused my hands to go numb, changed washer and vibration was gone.
If left long it will do you nerve damage and also will give the impression that the crankshaft nut has come loose (even when Loctited and the lockwasher is still intact), when in actual fact the washer has become 5-7 thou (mils Imperial) thinner due to erosion of washer surface.