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Old 01-10-18, 12:39
Spinner Dan Spinner Dan is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 83
Spinner Dan is on a distinguished road
I had the same issue, wanting a higher bike because I'm 6'5" and felt like a circus bear riding the XTR. I made up a new set of shorter dog-bones links and that sorted the back. Then I got new fork end-caps machined up. They screw on the end of my forks and basically extend them by about 30 mm from memory. I could then drop the forks down further in the head set clamps. At the same time I updated the fork springs and installed emulators to give better performance and stop that front end dive under brakes. This all happened about 6 yrs ago so I'd have to go back thru the records for specifics but end result is my bike is about 80mm higher off the ground and awesome!