I'm waiting for parts for complete clutch assembly. But before parts arrive I wanted to check if the wrong order and placement of friction plates may be the cause for the issue.
During the reassembly I checked whether the basket goes freely on the shaft. No issues there. No damage, no play, no wear marks on the bushing.
I also tried to slide in the boss with the basket out. No go here. It will not slide at all on the splines. Definitely there is damage but not visible by naked eye. I had to heat the boss to expand so I can force it on the shaft.
What baffles me most is the spacer with splines. According to manual and parts fiche drawings, this spacer should go between the basket and the boss. But when I put this spacer with the basket in, it will go much further then the inside end of the shaft splines. The space between the basket and the shaft splines is larger than the thickness of the spacer. It seats on the shaft part which is smaller in diameter than the part where the basket and boss seat. It will just hang down on the shaft not being in center with the shaft cross section
Maybe I'm doing something wrong but here is how I put back the cover with the pull rod shaft. With pull rod teeth turned to back of the bike I will align the pull rod teeth with the pull rod shaft. While putting back the cover I can see the pull rod shaft rotating.With the cover on, the shaft will rotate freely in both directions till the pull rod inside stops. I will turn the shaft clockwise until the pull rod inside stops on the pressure plate bearing. In this position the dot's are aligned. Then I will attach the cable.