Hi all, just ordered some new head bearings (complete with seals) Koyo originals. These are the ones that Yamaha OEM fit, and will try and charge you �160 at the dealers for. Below are the correct pair from Hendersons, whicha are also sent FREE post in the UK. I couldn't believe the price difference.
These codes are for the XTX model, some one who is changing the XTZ may want to check the Koyo codes and order those. The code is stamped on the bearing. I am pretty sure that these bearings below will fit the R too.
Hope this helps if you are due to change your head bearings.
Motorcycle Sealed Headset Bearing Quality Koyo 32006JRRS 30x55x17mm 1 �10.41
Motorcycle Sealed Headset Bearing Quality Koyo 32005JRRS 25x47x15mm 1 �9.47
Subtotal �19.88
Shipping & Handling �0.00
VAT �3.98
Grand Total �23.86
Thank you again,
Henderson Bearings
Crow Arch Lane
BH24 1NZ
United Kingdom
Phone: +44(0)1425 477787
Fax: +44(0)1425 478883
Vat registration number: GB 468 3308 29