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I have just fitted a Black Widow system to my bike,( 55 reg XTX ) everything else is standard, the bike now feels less restricted and revs more freely but still has the surging issue at fixed throttle position i.e. 30mph in 3rd etc. I intend to check the twist grip and if needed do the mod to smooth out the action, chain is new and adjusted correctly and Cush drive has had rubber inserts fitted to tighten it up.
I have read up on changing the settings on the dash. What I would like to know is if there is a default setting or do I just adjust up or down and see what makes a difference and how much can I change setting without any damage being done.
Bike is a short trip toy only so don't want to do loads of mods etc and I want to keep the bike as standard as possible, air filter etc.
Regards, Al.
There�s no such thing as a free lunch all XT�s are as yours is blame the TUV you will need pipes filters,better still pull the snorkel out and drill the air box feeling a little faint are we
Then all you need is a fuelling solution cheapest is Kevs mod want to do a proper job then that�ll be a Power Commander the choice as they say is yours.
But it can be sorted and will take your XT to a level that you expected in the first place!!!
Your term � Loads of mods� is all relative as they say,DNA filters from the UK importer and a secondhand PC you�ll be amazed.