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I have the xt660r at the moment and had the xt660x 18 months ago the X is much more comfortable than the R I found. I did 1200 miles in 3 days on the xt660X about 7 hours each day had know problems at all. No motorways mind you. I took the xt on the motorway for about 15 miles, that was hard work. I also have just sold my tiger 800 now that is a much better bike for doing long distances and also is a lot of fun. You can really rag them. But both are good bikes. One thing I will say, you could not pay me to ride the xt for two weeks over seas for me it�s just not man enough, it�s fun for 100 to 200 miles days out did that Sunday on the xt But that�s enough. It�s just to much like hard work. Now the tiger 800, I would do 500 miles all day long every day just a pleasure to ride. Took my fz1 out today for around 300 fast miles. Nice bikes the xt660 lots of fun but would not have it as my only bike. Having to fill up every 100 miles the tiger 800 I could do 240 miles on a tank I think. The xt is still a great bike mind you that�s why I have one, well I have two of them one with all the mods and one standard.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I was leaning towards the X but this really puts me off. One of the things I'm looking forward to the most is touring Europe and hopefully a second trip to Scotland and I want it to be enjoyable.