XT660X fails to start
Hi all,
I�ve secretly been learning much about my bike in the past year behind the shadows of the forum (I don�t like to be a nusance)
However, now I�m in need of some help...
My 2006 XTX won�t start.
No warning or signs this was gonna happen, just woke up one morning and it struggled to start, ran for a minute or so, then nothing.
The bike turns over and the fuel pump primes (disconnected the hose to the fuel rail and fuel is pumping)
I am getting a spark, however I will replace the plug today.
I have checked the resistance on the fuel injector and I�m getting the expected 12 ohms.
DIAG mode shows no faults, and no fuses are blown.
The plan today is to check all the sensors and see if the injector is actually working (didn�t appear to be fuel misting out of the spark plug hole when I turned it over with the plug out)
Any help or advice will be greatly apppreciated.
Thanks in advance, Ian