It's NOT as rife in the Tenere world as it is in the above example of the Fireblade world as, particularly 929 Hondas, early R1's etc are regularly stolen in the United Kingdom and sold for cheap track day parts, knowingly by some, in the amateur racing community.
Teneres don't have a particular good race track record for some reason and therefore a high parts demand.
As mentioned by myself earlier and the above check condition.
At some point in a used market you will buy a bike. Which one will you buy because the spectre of a 'clocked' mileage, by some logic, will be there?
It becomes a mere question of probability and likelihood. What are the chances of, say, 12 Teneres spread over the continent which all have low to mid mileages being 'clocked' when the cash resale difference in those low to higher mileage 7 -year-old examples would only be a couple of hundred euros, hardly worth the effort of buying spare digital Tenere clocks .........if you could ever, ever find a set with a low mileage on.
Ask your self, just how many low mileage digital Tenere clocks are in fact on line for sale compared to, let's say, the hundreds of early R1 ones?
You may find 1.
So back to the only other way of 'clocking' which involves a "Clever" mind and some digital technology and the LIKELIHOOD. As mentioned, there is zero incentive to do so as there will be no financial gain.
Also, for peace of mind, check out the other bikes XT660R / X and let's say KLR's KLE's DR's in OLX and you'll find here in the Med bikes don't generally have hi mileages, and little to no rust too.
The Fireblade forum will cover all aspects of Fireblade questions, should you have any.
I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day inside my fort.
Last edited by Chalk Two; 03-03-18 at 10:42.