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Old 03-03-18, 09:31
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Chalk Two Chalk Two is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar

Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: in the dog house but in the sun
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Chalk Two is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by englishbandit View Post
NEVER TRUST THE MILEAGE It�s very very common in the biking world. To have a second set of clocks (YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A CRIMINAL MASTER MIND ). They MOT the bike do 100 miles then swop the clocks over ride all year then just before the mot switch them back take it for the MOT bike only done 100 miles that year. Then switch clocks back again. That way all the history backs up the mileage. I would say over 50% of older bikes are clocked this way. Then when they sell the bike they just sell the clocks on for the same money they bought them for best �200 they will spend.I strip cbr 929 and do a good trade in clocks. A good tell tail sign is the first 4 or 5 years, mileage will be about right then when they start hitting say 15000 miles or 3rd or 4rd owner the mileage then drops to 3 or 400 miles a year. 5 times out of ten clocks are changed. As once bikes go�s over 25.000 price starts to go down or harder to sell. It really is so common it�s unreal. CONDITION CONDITION CONDITION. that�s what you want to look at and that still does not mean its not been clocked if someone really looks after there bike you would never know, all you can do is pick the best bike you can find with the least amount of owners you can find. (the xt do tend to have a higher amount of owner than some bikes,as a lot of people buy them and don't like them so can be common to have 6 7 owners in a short time). I buy about 15 cbr 929s a year and would say half are clocked if not more. I have been in the trade over 10 years and been riding 36 years and and see it every day. You can go in any bike shop that sells used bikes, and I can guarantee you more than one of there bikes will be clocked and they know it. It�s rife in the biking world. I never buy a bike for myself just on the paper work or what the clocks say. It�s not hard to spot one if you know what you are looking for. But saying that I would say 10% of bikes maybe more really do hardly no miles a year ( i know a few people that do less that 800 a year). I have 5 bikes and some may only get out once or twice a year but there condition shows this. I have a cbr 929 I bought last year to store away I will ride that once each year just to empty the fuel tank and re fill it on its MOT day. So that will only do 100 miles a year. At a guess I would say 10 to 15% of older bikes (5 year +) with low mileage are right I would then say 35 to 40% are clocked and say the last 45 to 50% will have normal to high�ish mileage are probably honest. I bought a cbr 929 5 weeks ago with 16.000 miles on it with full history yet it had 11 owners lol 16,000 my foot and condition under the fairings was 4 times that. But as I strip them it does not matter to me as long as all the body work is mint. How many adds I see with the words genuine mileage that I know to be bull,is a joke. The reason they get away with it is there is so many people out there that know nothing about bikes at all(not knocking that) They see a shiny tank and fairings and think nice bike. I see it all the time. It�s not fair really that people get ripped off. As a bike gets older or mileage gets higher its more and more common. just look at the MOT history on line. most of the cbr 929s i buy once they hit 25.000 miles ish ,its funny they never seam to do more than 100 or so miles a year, really funny that.Same in the car world I see posh well to do people getting there cars clocked back. as they can only do 10.000 a year on there lease. Remember its not illegal in the UK to adjust your clocks back . but it is illegal not to tell the new owner you have done it. its a loop hole in the law. you can go to the back of any car mag and you will see lots of adds for dash board correction (clocking). Same as you can legally buy all the stuff you need to grow drugs with, even the seeds yet it is against the law to grow them ? then why sell the ****. Its no wonder you can not walk down a road today without smelling the crap, but that's another story.
Woah there. !
I have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day inside my fort.