Ignition switch stuck wont move
Hi all my ignition switch was a little sticky so sprayed a little WD40 then blew it out with the air line but when attempting to turn the key it will not turn . the ignition is in the OFF postion will not budge left or right .Cant start the bike.
2015 bike with 1500 miles on it I not sure what to do been trying everything got a small needle in the lock to make sure there was no bits down there moved the tank and blew air up the little hole while holding the little latch open used graphite no joy. Pissed off recon the barrels broke or bloked.
I could see two sheer bolts that have to be removed to get the ignition off but still not sure if i can strip the barrel out to see whats happend, is it a sealed unit ???? and after a little search on the internet it looks like there are further security screws the dismantle the ignition .....
Last edited by Funky; 14-12-17 at 08:30.