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Old 04-06-17, 00:13
semmyroundel semmyroundel is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: South West London
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Tyre "sticking" to road at low speeds

Hi all, I just had a new Battlax fitted to my front wheel on my XT660X.
The idiots at the tyre shop nicked a hole in the inner tube and cosequently on my drive home from the shop the tyre went flat. I took it back, they put a new inner tube in that has stayed ok.
Since then when I drive at low speeds, on cornering, the handlebars sometimes need to be "yanked" round to get the wheel to move in another direction, almost as if the tyre was glued to the spot.
A knowledgable friend said that in letting the tyre go flat, the sidewalls have been damaged and that's why it doesn't corner well, he also suggested it may be that they overtightened the axle.
Is there any other reason that this may have happened, or do you guys think I should go straight back to the tyre shop (good luck with that, I hear you say!)