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Old 18-04-17, 07:36
Adamz Adamz is offline
Junior XT-Moto
Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: DALBY
Posts: 18
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Xt660za wont start

Hey guys!
Yesterday I went riding with some friends. After a short break in the woods the bike started acting up. When I turned the key it started it's bor al diagnostics routine bjt then just died. Tried it again and it started. When I got home i tutned it off and tried to start it again, same thing but now it never started again.
I'll post a video of what it does so you can see but in short:
I insert key and turn ON. The tach needle moves up and screen starts up just like always. When the needle reaxhes max it goes back down but thw screen goes black aswell and the immobilizer light starts flashing rapidly. It dors not flash in a pattern signaling an error code, it just flashes fast untill i put key to OFF.

The battery seems healthy and fully charged. I can do it 100 times and it does the same. Havemt checked the voltage but never had any signs of a bad battery. Alwats started right away.

Tried using both black keys and even the red one but it's always the same.

Any ideas?
