Over the years I've been very often been asked if I smoke!! No I reply I ride a motorcycle that will kill me quick enough!!!.
From day one I've treated it with the respect it deserves its only an enjoyable game when you have some idea what you are doing,I took 5 years going from a 200 to 750 treated like a job it had nothing to do with money it was all about a learning process.
I realise we live in a world of I want it now but biking can be as dangerous as it has ever been,it's not a hobby for me it's a way of life most of my friends and their children actually make a living from motorcycling and I love it more than ever but you try taking short cuts it'll turn you into an organ donor in a millisecond unless you one of the lucky few.
Buy the 250 and learn your trade if it costs a few pennies to do so so what,long term it will be money in the bank you can come back to an XT as part of that learning process at a later date.
I guess I could take the view I don't know you so I don't care but that's not me.