Originally Posted by
Can I ask why you need new discs? Was it that one was badly damaged when it contacted your caliper? It would be the aluminium caliper that would probably be damaged before the steel disc gave up, or is it that the disc is now badly warped? Just trying to save you a lot of money before you commit to finding out that the problem is still there after new discs are fitted.
Hi there,
The calliper is OK as I didn't use the bike once I noticed the disc was rubbing (which was literally when I wanted to ride my bike after it had sat in the garage).
Yes, the discs seem to be badly warped/seized. I tried to clean the bobbins but it barely made any difference.
The other thing I discover yesterday is something I don't know how to explain (may take some pictures later), but RHS (clutch side disc, which causes the problem) is bending/flipping when I press it with my fingers - what I mean is I can literally flip it to the left to slightly change its position (so its not rubbing the calliper) but once the brake is applied it gets back (flips back) to its original position and rubs the calliper.
Well, if the discs from my link are suitable its �55 a disc, so not so bad and might be worth doing it and get them changed.
What I am worry about is the old disc bolts - they will be pain in the as* to remove.