Hey guys just fitted up my new o2 and fuel controller (thanks Kev!
So ive modded my intake, I didn't want to butcher the snorkel or buy the DNA intake so I made this up using some left over rubber that I line my work bench's with and a $1.05 pvc floor flange from bunnings.
Also note ive kept the Aus 2 piece foam unifilter because it does a better job stopping fine dust than the k and n or Dna filter does.
First cut the rubber to a circle 115mm round to fit the airbox snug as well as the top of the unifilter. And cut a hole in the center so the flange can fit it.
You could mount this downward or upward. I chose upward so I could possibly adapt a throw-away filter sock onto it if needed. Also applied some filter oil to the rubber.
And fit original snorkel base over the top and tighten screws to form a perfect seal.
All finished, pretty simple, but thought I would share