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Old 26-08-16, 08:14
cozonac cozonac is offline
Expert XT-Moto
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: Bacau
Posts: 72
cozonac is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by Pleiades View Post
Difficult to say from here, but things like the rubber isolating bushes on the handlebar risers and those for the tank mounts can get dislodged in a fall and cause all sorts of funny vibrations. Is anything bent and touching something it shouldn't. Also be wary that engine mounts that are too tight can cause as much trouble as those that are too loose - they need to be torqued within spec.
Doesn't look like anything is missing or not in place. AFAIK the engine has never been taken down and the only mechanic I used so far hasn't touched the engine mounts. Thing is I can feel the vibrations in the whole bike not just the handlebars.

Originally Posted by Pleiades View Post
Raising the CO by a large amount can cause the bike to run too rich between 0 and 2% throttle which in turn causes bogging, surging and cutting out. Try going back to what the bike was set to originally and take it up in small increments. What's you spark plug like? An old worn out plug can cause similar issue as to what you describe. Is the air filter clean too?
I will mess with the CO again lowering it to see if it gets better. Spark plug is probably the original one since I havent changed it (but I do have a new one on its way). I'm not sure how clean the air filter is, havent checked it in the last month since I removed the snorkel but will check it tomorrow to see if its ok (it has been changed 5000 km ago along with all the other consumables).

Originally Posted by Pleiades View Post
It'll be the headstock bearings. Either they're dry, notched or just worn out - quite a common cause of handling woes on XTs.
I found an earlier post of yours with these

Upper: I/D 25mm x O/D 47mm x W 15mm (SKF 32005XQ) (Koyo 32005X or JR) (Timken 52005X) (FAG 52005X) Lower: I/D 30mm x O/D 55mm x W 17mm (SKF 32006XQ) (Koyo 32006X or JR) (Timken 52006X) (FAG 52006X)

I assume these are the bearings responsible for the stifness on my bike. If thats the case you just saved me a lot of money seeing the OEM bearing are expensive as hell.

Once my new pads arrive I will try and clean/check the whole rear break. As for the engine paint it doesn't really bother me but it does look like it has a disease or something I found a company that can coat it with the same silverish but it costs a fkin lot (something like 1000+ euros) so I think Im gonna stick with it for now.

Thanks a lot for all the help