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Old 23-08-16, 21:34
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
XT-Moto SuperStar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: North Norfolk
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Before you condemn the crank position sensor; have you checked all the other connectors on the loom between it and the ECU? The connectors on XTs are prone to corrosion and continuity issues, especially on older bikes. Make absolutely sure there is good continuity between CPS and ECU with a multimeter. Also don't just measure the resistance of the CPS at the alternator connector; check it at the ECU end. Just because the CPS gives that right readings at one connector doesn't mean it'll be behaving the same at the next if there is a fault in the wiring. By checking at various points in logical steps, if there is a wiring fault, you'll know which section/connector to point and accusing finger at.

The CPS is only available as part of the whole stator assembly, part number 5VK-81410-00, which is a rather salty �335! If it is a duff CPS then you're probably better sourcing a secondhand one or seeing if an alternative part is available from another model that comes as a separate unit.