Hi, I did service on my xt660x 2007 year, valves are now set to correct values, and there is no more popping from exhausts (akrap) , mechanical set the values of CO to 20 and TPS set to 16 and on full throttle 99, idle speed 1500, new standard original spark, I can tell you bike before that service surged badly, but now belive me I can drive him In 5th gear 70 km/h without any problem just a little surging bellow 50 km/h. Today I have put DNA stage 1 and 2 filters(snorkel still on bike), drive it for about 50 km's and no popping from exhausts or anything strange.
Can you guys tell me will there be any problem driving with that stages before putting on bike your fuel mod and O2 eliminator ?
What can usually be if driving and letting more air in motor can he overheat or something? (next week I have think to buy these mods)
Here is picture of spark plug before changing filters:
After changing: