Hi All , sory for slow update,
Id blasted and painted the engine black in Halfwhits engine spray, and refitted it in to the freshley orange/red colored frame by last sunday,
Majority of freshly gold color colored bolts oil lines, nose cowl brackets and smaller "tin" itemsfitted to replace the scabby factory " finish " .
Airbox, rear unmodified (for now) rear mudguards and other plastic items fitted after a thorough scrub ..
Was at standstill til I got my monkey metal swingarm and fork boots back in a lovely alloy / chrome flippy color (they were late ariving on Thursday instead of Wednesday But at least on Budget Boy is it getting tight !!)
Forks went together well , (Just need to speck and quantity of oil , Hint Hint LOL )
Id tried to order new ruccer bushes for the top Yeolk to handle bar risers ,But to my fustration there only available when the Yeolk is purchased as one piece item AAAHHH
Guess ill have to dig the laith out from berried behind z1300,gixer/duke turbo and Adrenalin projects and under piles of junk ,So i can make some solid spacers,
While playing on thr roundy roundy whury thing i need to make a spacer to replace the warn one in the rear drive hub baring to wheel spindle , the reason for my sloppy sprocket carrier .. (thanks for the helpfull link to your e bay item but my carrier and baring seam ok Just the spacer warn badly ..
The swinger barings and nylon bush didn't want to be teased out so i took a risk with then in the oven temps that unfortunately destroyed them , so new items must now be found ;-( ..
Awaiting oil filter ,head bearings new cush rubbers ,exaust studs & EGR bolts (as id had to drill the old 6mm socket bolts out after they snapped) Wheel (spoke and hubs ) need good clean.
Disks to blast n paint ,
Brake hose ends to clean and paint ,
Spark Plug, anti freeze and Engine oil to Speck and quantity and order,
Couple of shorter Allen socket bolts for rear peg bracket and cowling to replace the longer "rack bolts"
Must do something with the not so cheap (price wise) "sub zero grade stainless" (than what i dont know) exhaust pipes and cans
I Would like a set of oval after market cans and make my own S/S links and alloy sump / bash plate but cash wont allow on this project. (YET LOL)
May be I could Flea bay the racks top box and panniers ?
And anyone know where i can get a red right tank radiator pannel and rear grab rails cheap?
Yep I know unfortunately due to the off road and hooning nature of the bike she will soon be in line for some abuse , see how many smiles i get to a rear tyre and slide off the thing lol
Nature of the game the more i ride it the bigger the horns will grow ;-)
Looked at off the road parts thanks for the tip, but its more of service/ replacement parts i needed for now..
Must try taking and posting some eye candy for you all soon
THANK YOU ALL FOR THE FORUM a world of information ..