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I ran the Bikesafe project ,
www.bikesafe.co.uk , in my former life, taking people out on 'ride-outs' . My introductory classroom briefing made it clear I am qualified but I am always learning too and that I did, in fact, pick up tips from clients attending the weekend events, whether it was from a ROSPA rider or a guy/gal on a moped.
It's great to get extra-sensory perception from 'experts' but don't let them, for one minute, infer they are THE Guru, because all Gurus, like martial arts masters, are still learning themselves and it is often from the student.
Never the less, any, accurate, advice is good and if only 1 thing sinks home out of all the guff and waffle, it might be the thing that saves the day...one day..
The main thing is to share experiences and enjoy and then everyone wins !
I have to agree with everything you say Pepsi. I'm a great believer in advanced training and we're all constantly learning.
I've done a Bikesafe course aswell as ROSPA and IAM and I'm still learning.
We should all do as much training as we can, have an open mind and you will improve and become a safer and more aware rider.