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Old 14-03-16, 19:12
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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Originally Posted by _Josh View Post
I've just checked again and it does it only when in gear.
Started the bike up, behaves fine in neutral, if I put it into first the problem starts straight away, as described above.
Where do I go from here with it - faulty clutch switch?
The clutch switch, neutral switch and side stand switch are all interlinked. If the neutral switch is working fine (which is easy to tell), it could be the clutch switch and/or the sidestand switch playing up.

What you need to do is first trace the clutch switch wiring back to its connector and test the continuity of the switch with a multimeter by unplugging the connector and inserting the probes into the switch side of the connector and operate the switch (by hand or with the clutch lever). Test if the switch closes (continuity registered on the meter) when the lever is pulled and, crucially, that it returns to its open state when the lever is released.

Perform a similar test of the side stand switch by tracing its wiring back to the connector. The sidestand switch should be closed (continuity) when the stand is up. Make sure it stays closed when up by jiggling the stand and there is no intermittent break in the circuit.

Whilst you at/in the connectors, make sure the contacts and terminals are in good condition and clean if necessary.

If you can verify that the clutch, neutral and side stand switches are doing what they should then you can eliminate them from your investigations and start to look elsewhere.