The Trail Attack is a stiffer tyre than the Tourance, it's more road bias, so you will feel some difference. I can certainly tell the difference in ride quality between road bias and proper dual sport tyres. Probably something you'll just have to get used to.
Just as an aside, it's always worth checking when you buy new tyres that they are actually new! Some retailers push out tyres as "new" when they're actually old stock. In the UK it is actually legal to sell a tyre as "new" even if it's up to 6 years old!
Most of the big name tyre manufacturers do however instruct retailers to send stock back if it's been on the shelf for two years... but it's not always the case. Tyre rubber gets harder during storage. So buyer beware.
Have a look on the sidewall for the date moulding. The first two digits show the week and the second two digits show the actual year - Eg: 1109 means the tyre below was manufactured in the 11th week of 2009.