I'm not happy with the surging of my XT660Z. I have an OTR Exhaust. I made some travels and before i started i put a foam air filter in it and removed the snorkel. The power and unfortunately the surging got more. On my way, my intake air temperature sensor broke. So I replaced it with an used one. But now the surging is even more because it seems like the sensor is at the edge of the tolerance. Now I'm not sure what is the best solution to get a proper fix. Is the Kev O2 eliminator and the Kev fuel mod enough?
I saw that the disadvantages are that the Kev Mod is not temperature resisting (
http://www.xt660.com/showthread.php?p=203157). Which is a little bit a problem when u travel through different countries where the temperature can easily go from 5 to 40 Degrees within days or even hours.
But the bigger problem I see is with the eliminating of O2 sensor. It wont measure the O2 anymore. When i go up to 4000m above sea level is the engine still running fine? Which effect does the altitude gain have?
I saw that Dynojet is selling the Autotune kit with the Powercommander which should measure the intake air and adjust the A/F to the altitude. Is this the only solution to fix it?
I'm also concerned because when u go up to several 1000 meters above sea level. Both the air temperature and the pressure significantly change.
Do I maybe over react and the effects are not that significant? I would love to have a good solution but the 450 US Dollars for a Powercommander with a Autotune kit are quite expensive.
And I saw that i can also change a little bit the AF with the diagnostic tool. Is it fine to combine this with the Kev mod or the Powercommander?