Hi guys, on my recent trip to Scotland we got caught up in some.really heavy rain, and my bike (2009 non abs tenere 31000 miles) started to run rough and missfire something rotten. Its used all year round for an average of 250 miles A week.
The misfire happens only when ive been on a steady throttle for around 30 seconds. And its usually between 3-4000 rpm. And only when wet. After yesterdays rain it started again it runs very well when dry.
Bike is fitted with both kev mods dna filter snorkel removed and open leo vince exhaust. Its been set up this way for 2 years and no problems with rain or river crossings.
My first thought was coil/ht lead joint So i blasted with WD at the roadside. Seemed to do the trick for maybe 10mins. But it got me wandering as too why it only happens on a.steady throttle. Ive whipped off the TP SENSOR and have checked the resistance as stated in the haynes book of lies, It climbs very linear. But reaches a maximum of 2.48 k ohms.when the book says it should 0-6 kohms mine is only 0-2.48
The max resistance in hanynes says 4-6
Mine is only 2.48
Could this be the cause? Are the values in haynes correct?
If i hold at say 65 on motorway if feels gutless and revs drop and it starts to miss, give it a handful and its off like a scalded cat.
All connectors and clean and dry inc reg/rec and tps. Coil is off to be waterproofed.
Any help and suggestions would be most.appreciated.
Max resistance when measured accross blue and black blue wire.
Thanks Jon