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Old 14-06-15, 23:01
gypsymike gypsymike is offline
Newbie XT-Moto
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Karratha
Posts: 7
gypsymike is on a distinguished road
glowing red header exhausts

Hi there, I was hoping you can give me your thoughts on something if you
I have an xt660r. I have had it for a while but I only have 300 km on
it..due to work etc it sometimes gets left for a few months in the garage
until I get a chance to get on it. I started it up the other night and in 1
or 2 minutes the exhaust header pipes coming out of the head were cherry
red! I noticed it 'coz it was in a dark environment that I started it but I
am 99% sure it wasn't like that the last time I was on it. Yeah, I shut it
down and thought it just needed a "blow out" on the road which I did today,
but at idle it still gets red after a few minutes. The rubber water hose
that is next to the right hand side header pipe gets pretty hot too....I
think too hot for the rubber. Do you have any ideas what could be up here.
I have searched and found that some people say it is ok, some say its good
to light your smokes, and some say it is no where near right. I tend to
agree with the last one. Anyway......I am thinking .....that somehow it is
running too lean and getting to much air, or a stuck valve. But it runs
well and started first try.
I plan to register and be an active accessor of your forum now that I have
found it.
I live in Cape York Peninsular Qld, Australia. I am looking forward to more
opportunity to ride the book soon since work commitments are going to
change for the better.
Yeah, like I say it just ticked over to 300 km today! Not much huh? So
hoping you have seen this problem before with similar the
bike has sat for a few months before I started it recently.
Regards Mick.

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