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Old 25-02-15, 11:03
The Lone Deranger The Lone Deranger is offline
Newbie XT-Moto
Join Date: Apr 2013
Location: Roxby Downs
Posts: 4
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Exclamation SOS! Engine knock

Hi all. I'm in Western Sumatra and the dreaded xt660 engine knock has struck. Sounds like this (not my bike in the video): xt660 crank knock 2:

So, I'm across the whole primary drive nut getting loose thing. Of anyone can point me towards a comprehensive thread that deals with this I'd be mighty appreciative. SPECIFICALLY I'D LIKE TO KNOW THE SIZE OF THE PRIMARY GEAR DRIVE NUT, I don't have a lot of tools (22mm is my biggest socket) or a fantastic work space, so of like to know I'm sorted before i pull the crank case cover off.

I'm working on the advice if of my bike mechanic mate who says:

" I'll start with the good news, it doesn't sound like main (crank) bearings. They give more of a hollow/consistent type knock, rather than your heavy, 1 revolution type knock that you have there. If that makes sense! (Disclaimer: I have been wrong before. Not often, but it happens! Haha). I did a quick google search for tenere noises. Couple of people suggested primary drive crank nut, behind the clutch cover. (The nut holding the gear that drives your gearbox, on the end of the crank) But since it's a lot easier I'd start with the flywheel side. The end of the crank on the flywheel side is tapered & the flywheel is located with a woodruff key. Easiest check will be to open the flywheel nut inspection bung in the centre of the left cover & get a socket into it. 1st gear, rear brake on. If it's loose, there's a chance it's worn the woodruff key/key-way meaning it may happen again. Fingers crossed that's all it is. Then, before removing side covers, I'd get a long screwdriver & use it like a stethoscope. Put the handle end hard in your ear, & place the tip in various locations till you find the loudest source of your noise. That will narrow down left or right at least. Place it on the covers, the bolts that hold the covers on, starter motor, water pump, etc. If you place it half way up the cylinder or the head & it gets louder, well..."

I've tried opening up the port on the LHS of the crank case and tightening the crank nut, but it was already tight and no progress was made. I've tried the screwdriver stethoscope and it's loudest behind and above the oil filter where the crank case and cylinder meet.

Once again, if anyone can link me to a comprehensive thread or can at least tell me the nut size, it could save me having to truck my bike 600km and then ship to Malaysia where i can find a serious mechanic
