Sorry Simon, I should have been clearer I was referring to the revs made by the starter engine if/ when it does start the revs sit at 1600.
Incidentally it did start again later in the day. Eventually kicked in and sat at 2000 revs before coming down to its usual. I was riding In the rain and green laning. So would have got a proper soaking this afternoon. I'll try and start it again in a few hours when it's cold again. My worry is it won't start at 6am as its that bit colder...
Oh it's an 09 model and I believe it had that loom issue sorted.
Mods: 2in1 MTC Exhaust, scotoiler, meta alarm (now disconnected). And heated grips. Part from the oiler, all mods were on the bike at purchase last April.
It does occasionally stall in town, generally when I'm filtering (great fun -not). I've always put it down to being in the wrong gear, but maybe it's connected to this.
Can anyone recommend a bike electrics specialist in London or Herts?
Thanks again