With the crummy weather i was hoping to add a snow review but the best we could manage was a good slush. anyway the tyres trekked through, speeds were kept to 20-30, a few little twitches like it was going to slide but nothing ever came of it. I have a few long up hill sections to navigate when commuting and the rear held well on these, felt like it was wandering on occasions but never fully broke traction, but i was sat down, never actually got bad enough to consider standing. the tyres were running around 26/26 but i have not checked them for a few days and we have had a temp drop.
Ok slight update, we've had a light dusting of snow, enough to just make the roads crap but not deep enough for the tyres to really bite into. again no dramas and the tyre gripped pretty well considering.
Last edited by Simon; 31-01-15 at 11:20.