Thread: New tall screen
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Old 16-04-07, 14:36
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midlife crisis midlife crisis is offline
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midlife crisis is on a distinguished road
surprisingly well actually considering that it's only 6-10cm taller than stock. Loathed as I am to using motorways Friday night blast from SW London to Ashby de la Zouch was much more confy than usual. I sat at a steady 90 (even seeing 100MPH a couple of times... whilst overtaking... for safety reasons I like to pass cars quickly). I don't know whether it makes a difference but I also managed to get another 20 miles befor the reserve light kicked in on avaerage over the weekend. I think it's main advantage is the side bits; they seem to blow the air around me so far less buffeting. It came with stickers too! (although the 69 one I added myself and now think that I don't like it � I'd thought it a little saucy originally )

Not bad value for money I thought:
The journey is the destination.