Mostly, having been around a while, I can roughly remember where things are, who posted them or what sub-section they're in, which helps a bit.
We do try and put commonly asked questions and particularly useful threads together and make them sticky, but there are an awful lot of posts to wade through! Kev has also spent a huge amount of time over the years sorting out threads and of course making his modification guide CDs. But I do understand where you're coming from.
If you can't find something, then often the best thing to do is just ask. Someone will inevitably come along and point you in the right direction.
I can give you a few tips that might (or might not) help...
When you use the forum search tool to find words with less than 4 letters, put an asterisk next to the word. For example to search for AIS blanking (which it normally wouldn't let you do) enter "AIS* blanking".
Personally I tend to find Google easier to search for threads, especially with less than four letters in the subject or where you need to search numbers. Just enter what you want in google with the "" at the end. When you get the results the top one will be from the and it'll give you the option to to click on "more results from". Click on that and Google will only show you hits from the forum on whatever subject you entered.
If you can remember who posted what you're looking for, then you can click on their username and select "Find all posts by ------" and fish through them that way.
Lastly, if you come across a thread that you find useful and want to come back to later for reference, then you can always subscribe to that thread. You can then access all your subscribed threads via your user CP in the top right hand corner of the forum pages. You also get alerts letting you know if that thread has been updated/added to.
Anyway, hope that's of some use to you...