Here's a picture to illustrate the abrasion points on the loom that Pepsi is talking about. The main culprit is the spur for the injector (circled), which has been known to have caused a number of non-runners. I used foam pads that glaziers use to separate glass in transit, but old inner tube, or whatever you can lay your hands on will do.
Watch out for the top radiator hose rubbing through on the inlet valve inspection cover bolt heads - I've had to pack this out too.
Another couple of things that spring to mind that you can add to your growing list of jobs...
Chain adjusters - take them out and grease the whole thread.
Treat the caliper sliders and pad pins with "red" brake grease.
Give the spokes a covering of ACF-50 (and everything else that isn't plastic or protected by paint for that matter!)
Waterproof the reg/reg connector with dielectric grease.