Thread: Pcv maps ?
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Old 09-11-14, 22:59
Pleiades Pleiades is offline
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Originally Posted by XT Donkey86 View Post
I have the optimizer in would this make it any different?
The O2 Optimiser will override whatever the trims are in the fuel maps cells when in the ECU is operating in the closed loop and fix the A/F ratio at 13.6:1. While operating in the open loop, the PCV map will determine the A/F ratio at whatever the map was built to achieve. In other words the Optimizer is controlling the closed loop and the Power Commander is controlling the open loop.

Originally Posted by XT Donkey86 View Post
And setting the TPS is that simple enough ?
Yep. Dead easy. Just plug in your laptop, run the PCV software, get the bike up to operating temperature then: Go to "Power Commander Tools" in the menu, then select "calibrate throttle". A pop up will appear and you need to select reset (with the bike idling on a closed throttle) then immediately twist the throttle to the stop and let go. Finally select "OK" to accept the the setting. Job done.

When you run the software connected to a running bike initially you may well notice that the throttle opening might be displayed as 2-5% even though the throttle is closed, it is important it reads 0 when closed. Conversely, mine actually read 0 on a closed throttle, but stayed 0 even when the throttle was initially opened, which is just as bad. The same can be said about the top end; reading 97% when the throttle is on the stop is no good, and neither is it reading 100% when there's still some more throttle to go. If you don't get 0% - 100% calibrated so as the TPS position matches that of the fuel map, the fuelling isn't going to be right for each 250rpm interval.